SEILER’s Story

I have played volleyball ever since I can remember! It’s been part of my life since I was young. I think I started playing competitively in about 5th grade at little tournaments in middle school. I got serious in 6th grade and every year on from then I set higher goals and pushed myself in volleyball and the weight room. My biggest inspiration is my mom. She got me into volleyball and has been my biggest supporter taking me all over the U.S. to play in tournaments, go to camps, and get the best training. I want to make her proud since she’s helped get me where I am. I love volleyball mainly for the connections I have created from the sport. I have met some of the kindest and most incredible people while playing volleyball. Being a part of a team always feels like a family. I also love volleyball for how fun it is. I can’t seem to get enough of it and I’ll likely play it until I can’t anymore. I have gotten many awards over my high school and club career and a few that have stood out are getting an All-Star National Champion award this year. I have gotten a few All-State nominations throughout my high school playing days and received Conference MVP and Player of the Year multiple times.


I would highly recommend Ultra Ankle braces to anyone of any age and sport. They are comfy yet I feel extremely secure to move and play in. I have bad ankles and bad luck. I have injured each ankle over 4 times and each time I am back in the game within a few week thanks to my ankle braces. Many times my opponent will land under the net and I’ve landed on their feet which isn’t something that can be stopped. Having Ultra Ankle ankle braces in these situations has saved me from severe injury.


The coaching staff and players! The work ethic of everyone on this team is unparalleled and I’m so happy to be apart of it. It’s also in the beautiful state of Florida which I can’t complain about at all!


Some advice I would give young players in my sport is to enjoy it! Set high goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them but have fun in the process! Even as a freshman in college I still have time left in my career but I miss the club volleyball and high school days a bit. Enjoy every moment and opportunity your given on and off the court as an athlete! Your time playing volleyball is going to fly by, so stop and smell the roses and enjoy the entire journey. Always look at the positive. Try not to dwell on mistakes and instead look at what may have gone right. Volleyball isn’t about perfection, it’s about learning and having fun!

SEILER’S Preferred Ankle Brace